ONN TV Fuse Location: (Find Here)

The location of the fuse on an ONN TV can vary depending on the specific model.

However, there are a two general places where you might find it:

  • On the back of the TV: Some ONN TVs have a panel on the back that gives access to the fuse. The panel is usually held in place by a few screws. Once you remove the panel, you should be able to see the fuse.
  • Inside the TV: If there is no panel on the back of your TV, the fuse may be located inside the TV on the power supply board. You will need to open the TV to access it.

If you are unable to find the fuse yourself, you can consult the user manual for your specific model of ONN TV.

Look at this image:

Here are some tips for finding the fuse on your ONN TV:

  • Look for a small, glass cylinder with a metal cap. This is what the fuse will look like.
  • The fuse will be located near the power cord input.
  • The fuse may be labeled with its amperage rating.

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